Frank-Peter Schilling

ZHAW School of Engineering
Centre for AI (CAI)
Office TN 03.64
Technikumstrasse 71
CH-8401 Winterthur
I am an associate professor (“Dozent”) and group leader at Zuerich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW, located in Winterthur, Switzerland. I am also adjunct professor for AI and Data Science with the Victoria University of Wellington. I am deputy director of ZHAW’s Centre for Artificial Intelligence CAI, where I lead applied research projects in Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning.
My research focus is on Computer Vision with Deep Learning, building Machine Learning Systems (MLOps), Trustworhy AI and applications of Deep Learning in the Physical Sciences. I am head of continuing education at CAI, and I teach lectures and seminars at the BSc and MSc level in computer science and data science. I am the scientific coordinator of the PhD programme in Data Science, a collaboration between ZHAW and University of Zurich. Besides that, I am involved in ZHAW’s digitization initiative (“ZHAW digital”) where I helped shaping the DIZH fellowship programme, and I organized the ZHAW Datalab Seminar.
In a previous life, I performed fundamental research in Particle Physics at major international research Labs such as CERN (Geneva) and DESY (Hamburg). In 2012, I contributed to the experimental discovery of the Higgs particle at CERN, whose theoretical prediction (not our discovery, though) was awarded with the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics. I obtained a PhD in physics from the University of Heidelberg in 2001.
May 31, 2024 | Our paper on AI certification (Denzel et al., 2024) won the best paper award at SDS 2024! ![]() |
Mar 12, 2024 | Three new conference papers in the context of certification of AI systems accepted: One at ESREL 2024 (Billeter et al., 2024), and two at SDS 2024 (Denzel et al., 2024) (Billeter et al., 2024). |
Jan 27, 2024 | New website is up! |