courses I developed, am responsible for, or teach, and students I supervise.
Head of studies
Creation and module responsible, “Machine Learning Operations” (BSc, CS & DS, ZHAW, 2023-)
Co-creation and module responsible, “Computer Vision with Deep Learning” (BSc, CS & DS, ZHAW, 2023-)
Creation and head of studies, “Generative AI in teaching and continuing education” (ZHAW, 2023-)
Creation and head of studies, “CAS Advanced ML and MLOps” (ZHAW, 2023-)
Head of studies, “CAS Machine Intelligence” (ZHAW, 2022-)
Teaching in AI/ML
Lecture “Machine Learning Operations”, BSc Computer Science and Data Science (ZHAW, Spring 2024)
Lecture “Computer Vision with Deep Learning”, BSc Computer Science and Data Science (ZHAW, Spring 2024)
Lecture Module “Deep Learning”, CAS Machine Intelligence (ZHAW, Fall 2022, 2023)
Lecture “Artificial Intelligence 1”, BSc Computer Science (ZHAW, Fall 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022)
Lecture Module “Machine Learning” (STFW, Spring 2021)
Seminar “Machine Intelligence Lab”, MSc Data Science (ZHAW, Fall 2019)
Seminar “Artificial Intelligence”, MSc Data Science (ZHAW, Spring 2019)
Teaching in Particle Physics
Hands-on computer exercises for lecture on advanced particle physics (Univ. Karlsruhe, 2008)
Seminar on LHC physics and key experiments of particle physics (Univ. Karlsruhe, 2007)
Lecturer at CTEQ summer school on QCD analysis and phenomenology (St. Feliu, Spain, 2003)
Tutor in undergraduate physics course (Univ. Heidelberg, 1998)
Instructor in laboratory courses for undergraduate students (Univ. Heidelberg, 1997-2000)
Supervision of Students
Supervision of master theses in AI (Master of Science in Engineering, ZHAW, 2022-)
Supervision of PhD theses in AI (ZHAW, with Univ. Zurich, 2022-)
Supervision of 9 PhD theses in Particle Physics: QCD measurements at H1, b-tagging, top quark and Higgs physics at CMS (Univs. Heidelberg and Karlsruhe, 2001-2014)
Supervision of a CERN summer student: CMS tracker alignment (CERN, 2005)
Supervision of a Diploma student: QCD Monte Carlo implementation (Univ. Heidelberg, 2000)